David Beckham may be a big name in Britain - but his surname is huge in the Far North.
A new website that maps surnames around the world found that Northland has the highest concentration of Beckhams in the world.
With an announcement expected this week about plans for the footballer to come to Auckland, there was no word on if the finding would attract him north to Beckham-central.
Andrea Beckham of Mangonui said her rich namesake could look forward to a seafood spread should he turn up.
"We'll do that for anybody," she said.
Mrs Beckham was surprised by the finding and said she didn't believe her family was directly related to the celebrity. Beckhams in Kaikohe and Whangarei were also among the 12 in the 2008 electoral roll.
The new website plots eight million last names using data from electoral rolls and telephone directories.
It's no surprise Prime Minister Helen Clark is so at home in New Zealand, as it has the greatest concentration of Clarks.
It also has the greatest concentration of McCaws, as in All Black captain Richie McCaw, Vilis and Evers-Swindells. The online tool was developed by a team of geographers from University College, London.