The annual Wairarapa Cage Bird Club Show and Sale attracted nearly 600 competition birds to Masterton at the weekend.
Show secretary Heather Galyer said bird owners and breeders had come to Lakeview School for the show from as far as Waikato and while most competitors were from the lower North Island, the judging panel that selected winners in each of 13 classes at the weekend had included a judge from Rotorua and judge Graeme Feather from Christchurch.
Club president Tom Edser, who took first prize for Champion Border Canary, said there had been a "vigorous' and steady flow of spectators of all ages at the two-day event, for which judging had been completed on Saturday.
Mrs Galyer said the competition season was in full swing in New Zealand from May to July, when "on almost any given weekend" there was a competition running somewhere in the country.
She said Wairarapa club members will be entering contests in Levin and Palmerston North over coming weekends and the season ends with the national finals in Napier over the last weekend in July.