A Kiwi company will begin turning tens of thousands of tonnes of Auckland's plastic waste into concrete as soon as next year.
The issue of what to do about plastic waste has dominated headlines around the world in the past year in particular. Supermarkets here and overseas have banned single-use plastic bags, started plastic-free aisles and scientists have discovered plastic waste has reached all parts of the world, including the deepest part of the world's oceans.
Enviroplaz's founding director Peter Barrow told the Herald it had been a dream of his for the past 20 years to turn plastic waste into something useful rather than dumping it at the landfill.
And finally, he says, that dream is soon to happen.
There isn't much to show by way of the plastic-to-concrete process at their Wiri-based office yet, with just a large shelf display with samples of each stage to look at.