The fall happened on Monday morning as Mr Paikea was stacking hay on the 400ha property he leases at Maungaturoto.
He pulled on the twine around a bale and it snapped, sending him toppling backwards. He landed on his neck and knew immediately he'd done serious damage.
Lying in agony, the 60-year-old farm manager tried to move, and was glad he could feel his feet.
Because of the pain he decided to stay put. A farm dog stayed by his side, licking his face and keeping his spirits up.
"And I don't want to p*** him off because he just yells at me and he hurts his neck. He thinks everything is okay, but really, it's not. He's lucky he isn't paralysed, the stubborn bugger."
Mrs Paikea is worried how her husband will cope with the lay-off: "He wants to go home tonight," she said yesterday.