Is this the nation's most diverse school?
Hamilton's Knighton Normal School teaches 75 ethnicities and has a roll of 730.
Hamilton's Knighton Normal School teaches 75 ethnicities and has a roll of 730.
The car travelled from south to west Auckland trying to evade police.
Protest organised by advocacy group Toitū te Tiriti started at Cape Rēinga this morning.
New rules mean people living in a new housing development will no longer receive mail.
Te Mahurehure Marae wins hearts at World Architecture Festival Awards.
The iwi were made aware of an incident at Acacia Bay recently.
Hīkoi mō te Tiriti participants have started a 9-day journey to Wellington.
One person was critically injured in the crash near Tangoio.
Nine-day hīkoi against the Treaty Principles Bill, police call for staff investigations to be seen in context and tourism operator caught up in court action.
According to Google Maps, traffic is already backed up for 4km.
A Hastings couple offered almost $40k to save the pool. The council said thanks, but no.
Neighbours in Welcome Bay want speed bumps on their street gone.
He told her that if her family came to get her, they'd be killed and buried.
Reporter Manaia is in Te Puia Springs, where a brand new pie flavour is capturing the taste buds of locals and tourists alike!
Osprey Drive residents say cars and buses speeding over a speed bump outside their house is like a 'mini-earthquake'.
OPINION: Some former Government MPs seem invigorated by being in Opposition.
The council apologised for inaccurate information and explained its analysis.
OPINION: 'I wonder if World Rugby knows about this interpretation or rule change?'
MetService said midweek looks settled, with light winds and mostly clear skies.
Prison numbers haven't topped 10,000 since 2020.
Almost 40% had been employed for more than 10 years.
Ever feel like you’re getting less bang for your buck at the supermarket?
Alcohol is on average more harmful than cannabis. Would legalising it reduce overall harm?
OPINION: Today marks 106 years since the end of World War I.
Te Tai Tokerau Bowel Screening Programme saving lives with 89 cancer cases detected
Test your brains with the Herald's morning quiz.
Shares are more predictable long-term; 97% of 10yr returns are positive writes Mark Lister
The Independent Police Conduct Authority has been notified.
The new law will define stalking as a pattern of behaviours in a 12-month period.
The principal has emailed parents about steps being taken to keep girls safe.