A Manurewa school that was one of the biggest casualties of the leaky building crisis will be almost completely rebuilt at a cost of $22 million.
The Gardens School, a decile 10 primary school with just over 600 students near the Auckland Regional Botanic Gardens, says only two of its 24 classrooms will be kept.
Four of the original classrooms have already been demolished and others have been closed, forcing nine classes into prefabricated buildings that have taken over the playing field.
Board of trustees head Julie Pizzini said the decision to rebuild, announced yesterday by Education Minister Hekia Parata and assistant minister Nikki Kaye, was "a long time coming".
"We started asking for this in about 2009," she said. "The staff and our teachers and our community have been really patient. Staff have done a fantastic job in keeping the property issues away from the children, and achievement has been maintained."