Apirana Ngata was appointed Native Minister in the newly elected United Government and embarked on a programme of encouraging Maori to develop their land.
Such was the ambition and success of his policies that he is our New Zealander of the Year for 1928.
"Ngata pressed ahead with his land development schemes, using state funds, shifting his consolidators straight on to development work, and initiating schemes all over the country - wherever he could find underdeveloped Maori land and local communities willing to work it," writes M.P.K Sorrenson in the DNZB.
"There was seldom any lack of enthusiasm, since the new schemes provided work for unemployed or under-employed men, women and children, who worked as communal groups as of old.
"The land was cleared of bush or scrub, ploughed, grassed, fenced and stocked - on the assumption that it could be sub-divided into individual farms at a later date."