David Moore, a brave Auckland seaman who saved many lives when the barque Schiehallion ran aground during a storm off the south coast of Britain is our New Zealander of the Year for 1879.
Former Herald shipping reporter E. Hadrill said the Schiehallion, with 13 passengers and 16 crew struck the foot of a cliff known as Black Gang Chine during a heavy snowstorm early one morning in January.
"A very heavy ground sea running, the vessel soon gave signs of going to pieces, and a heartrending scene occurred, especially amongst the female passengers and children," he wrote.
"David Moore gallantly divested himself on that cold, bitter morning, and making the lead line fast round his manly chest, sprang overboard and swam for the shore. The high sea and icy coldness of the water nearly cost him his life, but by a supreme effort and at last favoured by an advancing wave, he reached [land] greeted by a tremendous cheer from the vessel."
With help from the shore, Moore was able to rescue all but two people from the wreck; the second mate and the captain's son.