About 1500 properties are within two new 100-year flood hazard zones identified in a study looking at the flood risk around the Lake Taupo shoreline.
Maps based on the study findings have been prepared for all of the main settlements around the lake.
They show an initial "inundation hazard zone" where areas are likely to be covered with water, and a higher "wave hazard zone" where wind is likely to cause waves to push water up onto the land.
Many of the affected properties straddle both zones.
In both zones there is a 1 per cent chance that this flood level could be exceeded in any one year, making it a 1 in 100 year flood event.
The flood study by Opus Consultants was jointly funded by Environment Waikato and Taupo District Council.
The findings, together with a separate study into erosion around the lakeshore were being used as a basis for initial consultation with communities and stakeholders over April and May and will help the development of a Lake Taupo Erosion and Flood Strategy.
Mayor Rick Cooper and Environment Waikato's Laurie Burdett said the new flood hazard information would allow both councils to be proactive in protecting people and property from the risks of future flooding.
Letters were being sent to property owners in the affected areas, informing them of the findings.
The maps can be found online at or