3 Your choice
You can choose to vote in the referendum only but not in the election - and vice versa - if you wish to. Just write N/A in the appropriate spaces.
4 Oops!
If you make a mistake tell a staff member and you will get a replacement.
5 Overseas voters
If you are a New Zealand citizen and have visited New Zealand in the last three years, or you are a permanent resident and have visited in the last year, you can vote.
Download the voting papers from the elections website and fax, post or courier them to the Electoral Commission.You can also vote in person at overseas posts all over the world. Your vote must be cast by 7pm (NZ time) on November 26. For more details go to the elections website.
6 Vote early
If you are travelling overseas or won't be in your electorate on election day, you can cast your vote at an advance voting location. You can also make a special declaration vote on election day anywhere in NZ.
7 Special vote
If you are sick, infirm or in hospital or for some other special reason cannot get to a polling place, you may be able to cast a special declaration vote.
8 Where
You can find your nearest voting place at the elections website, www.elections.org.nz, or in your EasyVote info pack.
9 When
Polling places will be open from 9am to 7pm.
10 Two votes
Remember that you have two votes to cast. One for the candidate you would like to represent your electorate and your party vote, for the party you would like elected to Parliament.
Election news coverage
TV ONE: Election 2011, from 7pm, hosted by Mark Sainsbury, Guyon Espiner, Simon Dallow and Corin Dann discussing referendum results throughout the evening. They will be joined by party strategists, former MPs and candidates. Political reporters will lead live coverage around the country.
TV3: The General Election from 7pm, John Campbell and Duncan Garner will host an election special, with commentators and analysts including Therese Arseneau, Linda Clark, Chris Trotter, Paul Henry, Rodney Hide and John Tamihere.
Maori Television: Native Affairs: Kowhiri'11 from 7pm to 1am, hosted by Julian Wilcox. There will be live crosses to each of the seven Maori electorates throughout the night and commentators including Sandra Lee, Ella Henry, Derek Fox, Rawiri Paratene and Ron Mark will discuss results in the studio.
Sky News: There will be comprehensive coverage at the top and bottom of the hour from 5.30pm onwards. There will also be live crosses to reporters at major stakeholder election night functions.
Prime: Will have short updates throughout the night. (Note: updates will not run at the top of the hour, but around 10 minutes and 40 minutes past the hour).
RadioLIVE: Decision'11 The Insiders Guide from 7pm to midnight with up-to-the-minute results. Hosted by Mitch Harris with experts and personalities including Willie Jackson, John Tamihere, Paul Henry and Michael Laws.
In your paper
Herald on Sunday: News and results from election day.
Monday's Herald: Full news and coverage, analysis and commentary on election results.
On the web
News websites including nzherald.co.nz will have regular updates starting from 7pm throughout the night.
An electorate map will be updated in real-time, showing the results from each electorate. Reaction from ordinary Kiwis via social media will also be posted regularly.
Social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook will also be abuzz with updates as bloggers head to the internet.
www.elections.org.nz will also post regular updates on results.