Ardern letter stored in Apec 'time capsule' for 20 years
Face mask included to remind everyone what it was like in 2021.

NZ sets economic agenda for next 20 years
APEC's Aotearoa Plan of Action shapes growth of region for the next decades.APEC'

Fran O'Sullivan: Apec leaders capture the mood and make progress
Common focus on energy and vaccine technology are conference highlights

APEC 2021: Apec leaders pledge to freeze $500 billion fossil fuel subsidies
APEC 2021 has delivered the Aotearoa Plan of Action, a plan to implement the Putrajaya Vision 2040. The Putrajaya Vision 2040 strives for an open, dynamic, resilient and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040 for the prosperity of all our people and future generations.

Alan Bollard: Covid has hit global economy faster and deeper than GFC
The Apec CEO Summit has turned its attention to the economic recovery from Covid.

Amal Clooney calls for business to play their part in stopping human rights abuse
The human rights lawyer spoke at the Apec CEO Summit.

Chinese president Xi Jinping speaks at APEC 2021
President Xi called for unity and cooperation to confront the "once in a century challenge" of Covid-19. He emphasised the need to maintain a free-trade environment and strong multi-lateral agreement to drive innovation and the green technology the world would need for economic recovery.

Xi Jinping's 'cold war' warning for APEC
Chinese president Xi Jinping has kicked off the APEC 2021 CEO Summit this morning.

Apec Voices of the Future: Jacinda Ardern receives declaration
Kiwis among delegation presenting declaration.

APEC 2021: What will happen to the Asia-Pacific economy in 2022?
Dr Denis Hew writes that a sharp economic turnaround is on the cards.

Climate change 'deadlier than Covid-19'
Young delegate is taking the climate change message to APEC.

The Kiwi women moving the world forward at Apec 2021
Women's economic empowerment has been a key pillar of Apec's work.

Tim McCready: Think Apec on Zoom is wild? Try Russia in 2012
COMMENT: I gave him my last remaining gift from NZ — an Ecoya candle.

Could Apec 2021 lead to trade reunion between the US and China?
The FTAAP is a proposed free trade agreement covering all Apec members.

Peter Parussini: Why young should have a say in Apec
OPINION: Young people have the biggest stake in some of today's key global debates.

Getting Covid hasn't stopped NZ's top APEC official
Apec's forced adaptation to Covid has had unexpected progress in other crucial areas.

Angela Merkel's warning ahead of Ardern meeting
OPINION: Merkel-Ardern conversation comes at a momentous time in global affairs.

Fran O'Sullivan: Kiwi leadership critical to Apec's success
COMMENT: Apec is gold for Cabinet Ministers from a small nation like New Zealand.

Apec 2021: Covid challenge overhangs summit
Jacinda Ardern presides over the Apec Leaders' meeting at a heady time.

Jacinda Ardern: Apec Summit an opportunity from crisis
There is a large list of positive outcomes from Apec 2021.

Apec 2021: Breaking down more walls
Alan Bollard explains why Apec is 'A perfect excuse for a (virtual) conversation'.

Apec 2021: A realistic eco-energy solution
Is green hydrogen the next Kiwi trailblazer.

Apec 2021: An authentic Kiwi experience
The 'new normal' has allowed Abac to run an ambitious programme.

Pandemic's lessons will inform policy Rebecca Sta Maria
The Covid crisis has exposed many problems entrenched in our economies.

Apec 2021: Matter of trust and aspiration
Leaders will gather online to discuss some of the biggest challenges of our time.

Apec 2021 CEO Summit has bold Kiwi look and feel
NZ will ensure the influential Apec business meeting is memorable.

Apec 2021: Unlocking indigenous economies
The cultural connection is becoming a more prominent part of commerce.

Apec 2021: Room for collaboration
In '93, Jim Bolger asked Clinton how NZ could rebuild its relationship with the US.

Hosting Apec in 1999: rubbing shoulders and herding elephants
The 'formers' got to rub shoulders with some of the world's most powerful leaders at Apec.

Apec 2021: Tech boosting food security
Improve food security and sustainability, and make digital transformation accessible.

Apec 2021: Beating Covid one 'zoom' at a time
Not everyone is in the same boat with the pandemic, but we are all on the same sea.

Andrea Smith: A masterclass in digital diplomacy
COMMENT: Diplomacy is about choosing the right method to get the job done.

Apec 2021: A hard-hitting lineup
There will be a heavy-hitting line up of keynote speakers at this year's Apec CEO Summit.

Charles Finny: Apec — and a WTO in crisis
Charles Finny would like to see support of the WTO in the Apec Leaders' Declaration.

Apec 2021: Today's leaders and tomorrow's thinkers
Amber MacArthur will deliver a keynote speech on the Business of Technology.

The Apec Putrajaya Vision 2040
Our vision is for the prosperity of all our people and future generations.

Apec 2021: Building trust through strategic ESG
Trusted brands are tied to authenticity in a way we've never seen before.

Apec 2021: Reflecting on the importance
Two business people reflect on the importance of Apec.

Apec 2021: Young voices tackle coming challenges
In unprecedented times, our Kiwi delegation looks to creating a better future for all.

Dedicating a career to human rights
Amal Clooney has clocked up an impressive workload in international law and human rights.

Fran O'Sullivan: Apec 2021 a huge undertaking for NZ
OPINION: Apec is a big deal for New Zealand.

Apec 2021: US out to prove America is back
The Biden Administration wants to demonstrate "America is back".

Apec 2021: A swift baptism of fire
Apec was where the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) was born.

Apec 2021: Unlocking digital trade in the Asia-Pacific
Potential gains are not only for high-tech exports, but also traditional sectors.

Apec 2021: Sharing in a future of prosperity
The Asia-Pacific region will work together to defeat Covid-19 and boost economic recovery.

Apec 2021: Youngest-ever White House adviser joins speaker line-up
Young climate justice activist with a remarkable journey to Office.

NZ breaks new ground with Apec CEO summit
New Zealand hopes to "break the mould" with next month's fully virtual Apec CEO Summit.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to open APEC CEO Summit
Ardern's speech will focus on the state of the world in the second year of the pandemic.

Clooney to deliver keynote address at Apec 2021
Clooney will discuss her work defending victims of human rights abuses.

APEC addressing vital women's issues
Gender pay gap & employment imbalance for women vital topics.

Opinion: China and the CPTPP - right move, wrong timing?
New Zealand's challenges in navigating today's toxic geopolitics just got harder.

Fran O'Sullivan: NZ oddly mute on China's trade overture
OPINION: New security alliance across ditch possibly too great a distraction.

Opinion: Getting the Apec region the right way up
Business group wants to make it easier to do business anywhere in Apec region.

Fran O'Sullivan: Nations need to tame the wild digital frontier
The internet is a great enabler but also has the capacity to be the great disabler.

Rebecca Sta Maria: Urgent global cooperation needed
Opinion: Apec leaders called an unprecedented crisis meeting to discuss Covid recovery.

Apec 2021: Geopolitical tensions colour Apec retreat
Geo-political tensions were to the fore at the latest Apec retreat.

Jacinda Ardern at Apec: Different vaccines a 'sticking point' on quarantine-free travel
"The sooner the better" - Jacinda Ardern on lowering trade barriers for vaccines

Fran O'Sullivan: Biden back in the game, but what about Xi?
If Apec meeting eases US-China tensions, it will be a bonus for Jacinda Ardern.

PM Jacinda Ardern hosts APEC 2021 Informal Leaders' Retreat
17 July 2021 Ardern chaired a virtual informal Apec leaders' retreat overnight, which included US president Joe Biden, China president Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Japan's newish PM Prime Yoshihide Suga. Video / APEC

Apec 2021: Can Ardern forge commonality with US and China on Covid?
The meeting will be hosted virtually from Wellington by the Prime Minister.

Audrey Young: Apec summit a moment in history for Ardern
OPINION: You can bet President Joe Biden loved Jacinda Ardern's speech.

Ardern and Biden talk before Apec
Ardern and Biden spoke about Covid, the Indo-Pacific and Chch Call before Apec meeting.

'Economic bubble': NZ and PNG sign partnership deal
PM Jacinda Ardern and PNG PM sign agreement to build a collaborative connection.

PM's push for stronger global vaccinations effort
Jacinda Ardern is pushing the case for a pandemic Treaty as countries deal with Covid-19.

Fran O'Sullivan: Importance of trade a silver lining from Covid's dark clouds
The pandemic has exposed the need for co-operation on trade matters among countries.

Pace of UK/NZ free trade talks set to rev up
Laura Clarke says a survey checked sentiment about FTA after difficult Brexit transition.

NZ secures Apec deal for equitable Covid vaccine access
The 21 Apec countries represent over a third the population and half the world's GDP.

Fran O'Sullivan: Tasman mates united on the 'China issue'
New Zealand has been working to build the relationship with Canberra.

Apec 2021: Minister to push for end to vaccine trade barriers
This Saturday is the first big leaders meeting of Apec 2021, when trade ministers meet.

The online meeting of 20,000 people
Virtual hosting could see NZ help change the way APEC works in the future.

Why NZ's big Apec challenge is so important
Progress on key trade issues is a major part of the forum - chairman

How APEC makes life better
APEC 2021 is being held virtually, hosted by NZ - which brings a whole range of new...

'Can you take yourself off mute': Apec in the time of Covid
One of the world's biggest trade events kicks off in managed offices by video.

Fran O'Sullivan: NZ must hedge bets in US-China techno tussle
Kiwi businesses vulnerable to giants' shifting power dynamic.

Ardern wants informal Apec Leaders meeting on Covid
Apec is a long game. It is New Zealand's challenge to give it a very big nudge.

Kate MacNamara: Trade talks between NZ and the UK get tougher
For years now, NZ and the UK have swapped flattery. That praise is starting to cool.

Fran O'Sullivan: Big turnout for Jacinda Ardern at Apec event
Group's usual trade focus overshadowed by pandemic.

MacNamara: Thorny issues for NZ's new Trade Minister
Securing greater access to the United States market is just one of many issue.

NZ to host virtual Apec in 2021
New Zealand will break new ground in hosting the next edition of Apec.

NZ-UK free trade talks kick off
Formal free talks agreement begin for free trade deal as UK enters post-Brexit world.

The Conversation: Coronavirus hasn't killed globalisation - it proves we need it
Relying on ad hoc government responses has slowed down the fight against the virus.

Winston Peters slams NZ economy, says big changes needed
Anyone who thinks it will be business as usual can forget it, Winston Peters says.

Trade ministers urge governments to march ahead on open trade, not retreat
More trade barriers would be the worst possible response to global economic uncertainty

Why NZ is more exposed than others to the economic chills of China's coronavirus
COMMENT: New Zealand has become economically dependent on China.

SkyCity convention centre out as Apec 2021 host
Govt rules out Apec 2021 being hosted at the SkyCity International Convention Centre.