Research centre questioned again over where it puts funding
The Marlborough Research Centre put $20,000 into New Zealand Dryland Forests.
The Marlborough Research Centre put $20,000 into New Zealand Dryland Forests.
Whanganui artist Edith Collier's legacy is being recognised with the release of a book.
Kids quiz contractors about the new bridge, eager to learn more.
An open cat flap served as the perfect entrance for a curious kiwi.
Chris Brandolino, Emma Poole, Tim Dangen, Bill Osborne, Michael Harvey, Barry Soper.
The man died at the scene of the truck and car collision.
The Chilean Festival is being held in Pāpāmoa this weekend.
The North Island brown kiwi managed to get in through the cat flap. Video / Brodie Stone
A new development in Hamilton CBD includes 23,000 square metres of office space.
Local iwi has placed a rāhui over the ski area of the mountain.
Rotorua's mayor is worried motels could be turned into housing.
Review: Voices in the Shadows examines Māori, Pacific and Palestinian indigeneity.
OPINION: In the present setting, the Government's move is an outrage and overreach.
The Barber Shack aims to raise $4500 for the Graeme Dingle Foundation.
Rabobank competition gives educational book sets to 100 NZ primary schools.
At 82, Whangārei football ‘legend’ Ray Broad bows out with a win.
If law change proceeds, it would 'significantly endanger the Māori-Crown relationship'.
'Our goal was to give our kids an experience, and to not lose too many games.'
Horticulture NZ has launched an awareness campaign called "Taste the Yakka".
Deb Peters thanks everyone, especially Life Flight.
Police are appealing for sightings of two vehicles in the Te Kopuru area.
The housing proposal is being led by Mana Ahuriri on a former Napier railway yard.
Brad Flutey's court proceedings continue to stall after numerous delays.
Heavy snow is falling in parts of the South Island.
Malcolm is survived by three daughters, a son and six grandchildren.
Police were called about 7am and the road is closed.
Police are looking for the red car which is believed to have considerable damage.
And as for snow in Auckland next week? Unlikely.
Te Kanawa Wilson continues Nga Taiatea Wharekura's legacy.