Manawatū Lesbian and Gay Rights Association volunteer Matt Keen is acknowledged by Volunteer Central manager Kate Aplin. Manawatū District Mayor Helen Worboys looks on. Photo / Kim Sargent Photography
Manawatū Lesbian and Gay Rights Association volunteer Matt Keen is acknowledged by Volunteer Central manager Kate Aplin. Manawatū District Mayor Helen Worboys looks on. Photo / Kim Sargent Photography
You should never question the value of volunteers - Noah's Ark was built by volunteers while the Titanic was built by professionals.
This was one of the many jokes Palmerston North town crier Lyal Brenton made while hosting the ninth Volunteer Recognition Event covering Manawatū, Horowhenua and Tararua last month.
The event is organised by Whatunga Tūao Volunteer Central, which has about 120 member organisations and 1500 registered volunteers. Last year there were 17 recipients but this year the number has grown to 32 - 30 volunteers, one business and one organisation.
Manawatū District Mayor Helen Worboys said volunteering was at the heart of any successful community. Volunteering measures its success by the feel-good factor.
She told the recipients their efforts help make our communities a fantastic place to live. Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, volunteers make it happen.
As a proud Rotarian for 35 years, the principle of service was not new to him but he was continually blown away by the work of volunteers.
"You definitely make this region a better place and we sincerely thank you for it."
Pam Good (Skills4Living), Glenys McHutchon (Skills4Living), Jill Spicer (Red Cross), and Toni Ferris (Palmerston North Community Patrol) were among the recipients. Photo / Kim Sargent Photography
The recipients were:
Alison McPherson - Age Concern PN & Districts
Grant Perry - City Mission Palmerston North
Shirley Byron - City Mission Palmerston North
Anita Weber – English Language Partners Palmerston North and Red Cross - Pathways to Settlement / Migration Team
Mariana Alletson - English Language Partners Palmerston North
Menzshed Manawatū was nominated by the Manawatū Toy Library Association for fixing toys and fashioning replacements for missing parts.
Beverley Dowling (NZ Animal Evacuation), Judy Matthews (Work Manawatū) and Patricia Hayes (SuperGrans Manawatū) were among the Volunteer Recognition Event recipients. Photo / Kim Sargent Photography