Second-year UCOL Manawatū nursing students Morgan Beugelsdyk and Davis Ferguson have been elected to key positions within Māori nursing.
Pahīatua woman Morgan Beugelsdyk (Ngāti Kahungunu) has been elected as the chair student representative for the Māori Nursing Council, Te Kaunihera o Ngā Neehi.
Beugelsdyk’s journey into nursing and leadership is rooted in her personal experiences. The 29-year-old has wanted to be a nurse since high school, and her first job was in an end-of-life dementia care facility.
Her journey then took a significant turn when she returned home to care for her dying father, an experience that deepened her passion for nursing.
The role of chair requires her to listen to Māori student nurses, gather their voice and share the information with other council members who filter it down to their respective campuses.