Palmerston North Police respond to more than 40 domestic violence incidents every week but the Women's Refuge believes this is only 15 to 20 per cent of what's going on in our community.
Women's Refuges chief executive officer, Dr Ang Jury, spoke of this concern as she addressed the Palmerston North Rotary Club at their recent meeting.
She said domestic violence was on the rise - last year 104,000 families across the country were visited and the police received calls every six to seven minutes each day.
Dr Jury said the Government had paid attention to the issue and the refuge was starting to see some of their initiatives come to fruition.
"We have a new pilot going on at the moment where police are able to offer victims the opportunity to give a verbal or video statement on their iPhone on the spot instead of going into the station. This is now accepted by the courts as evidence."