The splash pad has separate areas for babies and toddlers, and older children.
The section for under 5s is physically separated from the older kids' area by the main footpath, and also has a barrier around it to keep them safe. Within this area there is a smaller section for babies.
The all-ages area includes the only free supersoaker in the Southern Hemisphere - a giant bucket that tips water.
"We're committed to ensuring Palmy kids feel safe around water.
"Our free trial for under 5s at our pools, and these free water-based activities show how important this is."
Construction on the splash pad will start once funding is secured.
The upgrade will include an accessible playground and family area in the city.
The poppy-themed playground will sit where the current playground is but on a far larger scale.
There'll be one major playground for all ages which will feature climbing tubes, slides, ramps, swings, balancing balls and ropes, climbing walls and fall nets.
The toddler playground has a slide, bridge and tunnel.
Both playgrounds feature large poppies coming out of the structures to provide shade and reflect Memorial Park's history.
The playground has been designed with ramps so everyone can play together.
"Currently the play equipment at the park for disabled children is off to the side and fenced in.
"We want our parks and playgrounds to be as inclusive as possible so we use upgrades like this as an opportunity to include features to allow all children and their caregivers to play together."
Williams said the upgrades would give the city something to look forward to.
"We know how hard it has been for families not to have been able to use our playgrounds over the last six weeks, so we hope this provides them with some hope and excitement for summer.
"Last year our city fell back in love with Milverton Park after that playground was upgraded, and we have no doubt Memorial Park will be the same."
A memorial theme runs strongly throughout the park.
Key to the redesign during consultation was that residents wanted a stronger connection to the memorial name.
The upgrades have been designed so the whole park is a memorial, rather than just a typical concrete structure.
Williams said part of the development plan were odes to history and war-time which will feature throughout the park.
"The murals on the buildings, the recently installed gun at the entrance and poppies that come out of the splash pad and playground.
Water fountains and barbecues will also be accessibility friendly.
The current playground is being taken apart and will be reused in other parks in the city, but the park will remain open during construction.
The upgrades are being completed by a number of small Manawatū contractors.
The materials all come from within New Zealand, other than the splash-pad equipment which comes from Canada.
The playground and pool area, which were closed due to Covid-19, have been fenced off in preparation for construction.
Throughout construction the skating rink, sportsfields, grassy area, duck pond and toilets will be open for use.
The lower carpark will be closed for the contractors' machinery, and for safety reasons.
The upper carpark will remain open and people can access the park from the multiple pedestrian accesses.
This work is expected to be completed before December, but that will be dependent on funding.