New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network chairman Arthur Yeo leads the riders through central Feilding. Photo / Jimmy Ellingham
New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network chairman Arthur Yeo leads the riders through central Feilding. Photo / Jimmy Ellingham
Cars briefly gave way to horses in Feilding as riders clipped and clopped through the CBD with a call to remember them.
Last Friday, the New Zealand Equestrian Advocacy Network delivered a petition, signed by about 6500 people, calling for officials to consult horse riders when designing and planning transport projects.
"This is about making sure that the New Zealand Government recognises our needs as recreational riders in legislation," network co-chairman Arthur Yeo said.
"Currently, no government planner or designer is required by law to consult the equestrian group.
"We are legitimate road users. We are losing places to ride. Bridleways are turning into cycleways and walkways. We notice that cyclists and walkers in New Zealand have government backing, support and funding, and we've got nothing."
At the same time, off-road places to ride were dwindling, hence the network's call to make it obligatory for local and central government planners to consult horse riders.
"We also notice that on the roads the current cohort of drivers are less courteous and understanding of horses' needs. They've got a big bubble and they really require understanding.
"Lots of drivers will go past horses really quickly, sounding their horns and yelling out the window.
"Lots of horses can cope, but some can't, and if they can't they'll dive in front and everyone's worse off."
Manawatū woman Jen Fowler said when she rode her horse, Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket, on the road, motorists would often pass at speed.
"Go as slow as possible," she pleaded with motorists.
"Twenty kilometres [an hour] is great, but if you are doing 40km/h we're still going to wave. Doing 100km/h usually gets a rather different signal."
Many riders in Feilding on Friday were concerned the loss of places to ride could see future generations confined to going around farmers' fields.
Juanita Preston and Jazzy get ready for the ride through Feilding to deliver the petition calling for more consultation with horse riders. Photo / Jimmy Ellingham
Shannon woman Juanita Preston, who was with her horse Jazzy, said she wanted to see more recognition for horse riding.
"A lot of our recreational places that we do ride our horses are getting shut off from us, like accesses to beaches and rivers and stuff like that.
"We're just putting it out there that horses need places to go as well as humans do, like dog walkers."
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency regional relationships director Linda Stewart said officials were aware of the petition.
"Engagement with existing users and assessments of the impacts of infrastructure projects on both existing users and the environment is a standard part of the consenting process for our projects," she said.
"This process is open to all interested parties."
In recent years equestrian groups had increasingly participated in consultation.
For example, Yeo had put forward proposals for considering horse riders on the pathways being created alongside and connecting to the Manawatū Gorge replacement highway, Te Ahu a Turanga.
"We are currently revisiting the criteria for the path and will go out to stakeholders with this once completed. An additional hui to discuss proposals is expected to be held in April," Stewart said.
There were challenges in providing safe shared pathways for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
These included space, options for separation, geography, and wear and tear.
"Waka Kotahi will continue to engage with the equestrian community and we are committed to maintaining current levels of access."
McKelvie said he accepted the petition because he had a long association with horses and equestrian.
"I certainly think there's room for horses to be accommodated in what they're desiring to do, which is, basically, make sure that horses are able to use some of our tracks and trails, and they are considered when new roads are being built."