Manawatū 2.0 is the latest attempt by our marketing gurus at Central Economic Development Agency to promote our rohē to tourists wanting to see a different part of the motu. I think the 2.0 refers to the follow-up to the ironic but very awkward “Palmy, famous for being boring” campaign of last year.
The “boring campaign” went down like a Russian warship in the Black Sea. In an attempt to banish that misadventure from the minds of the millions of tourists who were considering venturing to our backyard, we have put a newer version, with less cringe and more quirk.
Unfortunately, the scent of embarrassment and an inferiority complex still permeates this reboot. It’s in the tone of the presenter and in the subtitle “heaps better than version 1″. The underlying message I received was “we are now doing things better”, which immediately prompted my thoughts to “how bad was it before?”.
Please don’t get me wrong, I choose to live in Papaioea because I love this city and the region it sits in. I love our river, our community, our mountains and even our rugby teams. But I’m not blind to the fact that almost every other region in our Aotearoa has better natural resources to inspire visitors.