I am wondering if I can give my children anything to help with getting them to sleep. They are just not sleeping through the night and are very tired in the day.
Getting wee ones to sleep can be a trying time for everyone involved. It is important to try and investigate why they are not sleeping: are they anxious? Are they over stimulated before bed? Or maybe it's something they're eating that may be affecting how they sleep?
Traditional plant medicine is a wonderful tool to help children with their health and works especially well if they cannot sleep.
Having plant remedies as a medicinal tea can help them establish a sleep routine which can give them a refreshing and restorative sleep.
Specific medicinal plants can facilitate falling and staying asleep, such as Valerian (Valeriana officinalis), Hops (Humulus lupulus) and Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis. They are well researched for their sleep supporting properties.