In addition, a number of medicinal plants are uniquely placed to assist with brain function in older age, due to their combination of antioxidant, circulatory stimulant and neuro-protective actions.
Ginkgo is one of the most widely researched and frequently prescribed herbal medicines of modern phytotherapy. Numerous clinical trials over 40 years confirm its ability to improve cerebral blood flow and memory loss in elderly populations.
Positive results have also emerged in more serious conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, showing it to be superior to placebo.
Ginkgo is a safe and well-tolerated herb, but professional supervision is necessary if you're taking blood-thinning medication such as Warfarin or Aspirin due to possible interactions.
Regular consumption of green tea is also associated with improved cognitive function. It contains DNA protecting polyphenols (a class of plant chemical) that have potent antioxidant and neuro-protective actions.
Rosemary too, has strong antioxidant action and is an effective free-radical scavenger. It has received much less modern scientific attention, but has been traditionally and safely used over many centuries to repower mental alertness and memory by promoting circulation to the brain.
These plants combine particularly well in a medicinal tea, and if taken regularly, can be another memory enhancing strategy to assist you in keeping up with your grandchildren!
Hi Sandra, after numerous bouts of strep throat and tonsillitis my four-year-old son is having a Tonsillectomy. Is there anything you can recommend I do to get him in the best health prior to his operation?
In children the immune system is still maturing, yet they encounter new microorganisms every day that they must respond to and overcome. Immune support is indicated for any child prone to recurrent infection. This is especially important prior to surgery, which always carries some risk of post-operative infection no matter how simple the procedure.
Plants that are suitable for supporting immunity in children include echinacea, thyme, elderflower and liquorice. These can be taken as an oral liquid or as a medicinal tea.
Echinacea has been proven in clinical trials to reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu, whilst also reducing the likelihood of further infections.
Thyme is a particularly supportive herb for recurrent strep throat, due to the powerful antiseptic properties of its essential oils. Elderflower too, has antibacterial properties and can help in acute infections by lowering fever.
Ensure your son keeps well hydrated in the lead up to surgery (water, broths, herbal teas etc.) to keep his mucous membranes hydrated and fortified.
Thyme and elderflower combine particularly well in an immune boosting medicinal tea, which is pleasant tasting and well received by children. It can even be added to drink bottles and taken to school as a cool refreshing drink.
A healthy diet will also help to prepare your son for surgery. Plenty of brightly coloured fresh fruit and vegetables and quality protein will supply the additional nutrients that the body requires for healing after surgery. You may also wish to supplement for a time with Zinc and Vitamin C, as their role in immune support and tissue repair is well recognised.
READ MORE:Evaluation of echinacea for the prevention and treatment of the common cold: a meta-analysis.
A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for dementia. JAMA
Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing. Psychopharmacology
Scientific research identifies legit plant-based medicines