My grandson has just started college and says he feels anxious about going to school every morning. He's usually fine when he gets there but I don't like the thought of him feeling anxious walking to school every day. What natural remedies could he take to possibly alleviate his nerves?
Gladys, Upper Hutt
Hi Gladys, thank you for your question, it is lovely you are thinking of your grandson. Sudden and new changes can definitely bring feelings of anxiety and unease.
Anxiety, in particular social phobia, can be a really hard thing for people of all age groups to deal with. It can be especially tough for adolescents with anxiety to describe or cope with the feelings they have, and it can interfere with all aspects with their lives.
Luckily, there are great plant remedies that can help with that uneasy and uncomfortable feeling that anxiety can give.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) has been used for anxiety and other anxious symptoms such as palpitations, nervous headaches and mild insomnia. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study it showed the group taking the Passionflower extract had significantly lower anxiety levels than the control. In an observational study a combination of Passionflower, St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) greatly helped children suffering from social withdrawal, mild depression and anxiety. The results showed that over 80% of the children observed had mild to no symptoms on completion of the study.