Plant medicine is proven to positively impact on many aspects of life and the start of life is no exception. For millennia, plant medicine has been used successfully to help support mums while breastfeeding and to help with healing the womb post childbirth. It isn't always easy for mums to breastfeed, and plant medicine can help support them during this time.
Traditionally, breastfeeding teas are used for nutrient support during breastfeeding to provide a nourishing boost to both baby and mum. According to research the most significant factor in milk production is the ability of the mother to produce high-quality blood. Therefore, proper nutrition plays an essential role in the process of breast milk production.
Professionally formulated medicinal teas comprise of plants that are nourishing (high in minerals) and are also galactagogues (which help increase breast milk production), along with calming herbs to support digestion and absorption of foods for the baby. Babies are born with an immature digestive tract and digestive support via breastmilk gently helps them. A prospective double-blind placebo study has shown that a medicinal tea with carminative herbs reduced infant colic more effectively than a placebo liquid.
Common traditional plants for regular production of good quality and flow of breastmilk are fennel, aniseed, chamomile, nettle, raspberry leaf, goat's rue, dill, and blessed thistle in various combinations. They must be of medical quality and free of herbicides and pesticides which is best verified by independent organic certification.