A young boy has come up with a heartwarming initiative to help the homeless after coming across a man living rough on the streets of Toowoomba.
Adrian Young, 8, felt "very sad" seeing the man slumped on blankets in the CBD and asked his mum if he could bring him home because he "didn't think it was fair".
"I felt really sad knowing that there were people sleeping out in the cold," Adrian told news.com.au.
He gave the man some money but what he really wanted to do was buy him a house.
After learning of his struggle, Adrian was driven to do as much as he could to help him and other homeless people living like him.
"I couldn't stop thinking about him and the other homeless people," Adrian said.
Despite donating all of his money from footy tipping to buy the man some basic necessities, Adrian believed he could do more.
This is when Adrian and his mum Jennifer decided to make 50 care packs with warm clothes, toiletries and food, including an Aussie favourite - Tim Tams.
Adrian's care packs include warm clothes, toiletries and food for the homeless. Photo / GoFundMe
The family handed out the packs to people at Toowoomba's Base Services, where Adrian plans to return and volunteer at during the school holidays.
Adrian said the people were very "grateful" to receive a care pack and as soon as he hopped into the car, he excitingly said to his mum, "Did you see their huge smiles?"
Following the success of the care packs, Adrian and his mum decided to set up a GoFundMe page to try and distribute even more.
8-year-old Adrian donated his own money to help the homeless. Photo / GoFundMe
"Hopefully I can get enough to make another 50 bags," the eight-year-old said.
The fundraiser, which has only been up for just over a week, has already reached its $1000 goal, thanks to the generosity of others.
"I have now started our next lot of care packs thanks to everyone's generous donations.
"This time I've also made some kids ones which I'm really excited about," Adrian shared to Facebook.
Adrian's care packs made people "very happy." Photo / GoFundMe
And Adrian's good deed has not gone unnoticed, with many praising the young boy online.
"An absolute inspiration. Adrian you're my favourite little champion! The world needs more people like you and your family. All my love mate!" said one donator.
Another said, "Good on you Adrian, you have a beautiful kind heart."