Glue was all under the kitty's neck and side, and all over her tail and four paws. He said she was wet, cold, and scared. Photo / AP
Glue was all under the kitty's neck and side, and all over her tail and four paws. He said she was wet, cold, and scared. Photo / AP
A newborn kitty found glued to the side of the road is getting a second chance at life thanks to the sweet Oregon man who rescued her.
Chuck Hawley, of Silverton, made the disturbing discovery while he was driving to work around 7am on Friday morning.
Hawley was making his way through the busy intersection on Silverton Road Northeast, just outside of Salem, when he saw what he thought was a small box in the middle of the road.
"The cars in front of me are driving over a black thing in the road. It's going between their tires so I'm guessing it's a box," he wrote in a Facebook post.
Glue was all under the kitty's neck and side, and all over her tail and four paws. He said she was wet, cold, and scared. Photo / AP
But when Hawley got a closer look, he realised it was just one very scared kitty.
"It's a kitten just sitting upright, shaking like a leaf," he revealed. "She was wet and freezing and literally glued to the road. And NO ONE STOPPED."
Hawley knew he couldn't leave the poor kitty behind. So he slammed on his brakes and stopped traffic, putting his hazard lights on as he went out to save her.
When Hawley went to pick her up, he realised she had been glued to the road, the MailOnline reported.
"When I went to pick her up, her feet were stuck to the road and I'm like 'Uh oh'", he told KPTV.
"So I started to pull her feet up - and it was like a rubber cement. She was glued to the road."
"It was all under her neck and then she had a little bit down her side, but it was mostly her tail and her feet."
When Hawley got out of his car to rescue the kitty, he realised she had been glued to the road. Pictured is the spot where Hawley picked her up. Photo / KPTV
Hawley at first thought the kitty may have walked through glue somewhere, but then noticed it was completely 'spread into her paws'.
"It was pretty apparent that someone had soaked her feet in glue and sort of rubbed it into the pads of her feet," he said.
"There were no glue footprints around, it was just a glob of glue under her, so it looked like someone just took her and put her in the road."
Hawley took the kitty to the Salvation Army Kroc Center, where he works as the director of facilities, and gave her a bath.
He then took her to the Silver Creek Animal Clinic, where staff used mineral oil to get the rest of the glue out of her fur and off her paws.
"She was still pretty sticky," Dr Jenny Bate told the Statesman Journal. "She still had quite a bit on her paw pads and stuck between her toes, and her belly and tail were really sticky."
Bate also examined the five-week-old kitten and found three small round puncture wounds under her neck that appeared to be a few days old. It remains unknown what exactly caused them.
Hawley took the kitty to his work and gave her a bath, before taking her to an animal clinic where doctors washed the rest of the glue off with mineral oil. Photo / Facebook
The veterinarian said she had never seen anything like what had been done to the poor kitty.
"It's the worst thing I can imagine," she said. "It makes you wonder what would make a person do that. It's just awful."
"She was really lucky. I'm just so glad for people in the world that will stop and take kittens off the road."
After she was given a dose of flea control medication, the kitty got a new home with the man who saved her.
She is now quickly recovering under the care of Hawley, his wife Mikee, their two sons, and their two dogs Stewie, an 8lb Chihuahua, and Jojo, a 115lb Great Pyrenees.
And the couple have given their new kitty an appropriate new name - Sticky.