The world's fattest child has lost over half of his body weight. Photo / Getty Images
The world's fattest child has lost over half of his body weight. Photo / Getty Images
At the age of 10, he was the world's fattest child. Now, he's set to undergo excess skin removal after losing more than half of his body weight.
Thirteen-year-old Arya Permana of Indonesia, weighed a whopping 191.9kg when he was only 10.
He was too obese to go to school, had to wash in an outdoor pond and could barely walk five metres.
The Daily Mail reports the youngster who lives in Karawang, West Java, was at a life-threatening weight before he became the youngest person ever to undergo the gastric-sleeve procedure.
The operation, as well as a strict eating plan, has helped him lose an incredible 106kg, meaning he now weighs 85.8kg.
But, the teen wasn't too happy with the changes he had to make to his lifestyle.
"At first Arya was very annoyed and upset because he loved eating but after the gastric bypass surgery, automatically if he ate a lot he will vomit," said his father.
Since the procedure, just seven spoons of food fills him up.
"Back then, yeah I would like to eat instant noodles but now I can't and I got used to it so I don't want it," Permana said.
He now lives on a restricted diet of grilled fish, vegetables, soup and fruit.
He's lost enough weight so he can walk 1km to school, and has energy to socialise with his classmates.
The outdoor pond he used to have to wash in, is now overgrown with plants.
The teen, who hopes to be a soccer player, said: "I am happier now.
"Because now I can play football, hang out with friends, play around, go to the river.
"Back then I couldn't do anything [or] go anywhere, I couldn't play football, before I couldn't play badminton but now I can do it."
His parents also commented on how much happier he is.
He was too large to wash and was forced to bathe outside. Photo / Getty Images
"His attitude looks calm, more cheerful and with his body weight now he can play football or volleyball with his friends, sometimes join with the friends for jogging in the morning," his dad said.
"From what I observed about his mental state, he is more confident.
"Before if he wanted to come with his friends, he feels not confident because he has to walk quite far and was not strong enough.
'But now if he wants to play with friends he just goes."
However, despite all the positive outcomes, he's been left with a lot of excess skin.
He hopes to have skin-removal surgery at the Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung when his upcoming exams are over.
"Even though he does exercise, playing football and badminton and his body is already strong, the loose skin is hanging down and it must be removed," said his father.