Your Wordle starter word can make a big difference to your game. Photo / Getty Images
In the Upshot’s recent analysis of 515 million Wordle games played over a year, we noted that a few changes would soon be coming to WordleBot’s dictionary. As of Wednesday, those changes are now live — including a new opening word in both regular and hard mode.
WordleBot plays
no role in the words selected to be Wordle solutions and doesn’t know the solutions. But, unlike human players, who are free to guess just about every five-letter word in the English language — 14,855 of them — we’ve limited the bot to a smaller set of roughly 4,500 relatively common words to choose from when making its guesses and recommendations.
We listened to feedback from New York Times readers who wanted certain words added (like BARRE and MOREL and MERCH) and certain ones deleted (PWNED has been owned, and EGADS to YEESH; all three are out). We also have new data on reader guesses that has helped us get a feel for which words are more familiar to more people.
Perhaps the most noticeable effect of all these changes will be that, starting today, the bot’s preferred opening guess has shifted — ever so slightly — to TRACE, from SLATE. And in hard mode, the bot’s favourite word is now neither TRACE, nor SLATE, but TROPE.
As always, the difference between these starter words (or, for that matter, between these words and the bot’s other favourites, CRATE, CARTE, CRANE and SLANT) is extremely small.