Did you just have a healthy salad for lunch, then nothing more than the kids' leftovers and one glass of wine in the evening? Yeah, right.
The average woman tells almost 500 lies a year about her eating and drinking habits, according to a survey.
That's almost nine fibs every week about how much food she's eaten, what she's snacked on and how many drinks she's had.
Favourite untruths include "It was only a small portion" after eating a large meal, and "I'll have a big lunch so I won't eat much after this" when they know they will have an afternoon of sugary treats and fatty foods.
Other classics are "I only treat myself once in a blue moon" while munching on goodies all day, and "I always eat my five-a-day" when the reality is quite the opposite. Chocolate is the food that women are most likely to lie about, followed by crisps and cake.