The messages asked for recommendations for doctors in the area.
The messages asked for recommendations for doctors in the area.
A Queensland woman has been outed online for allegedly sending innocent-sounding messages to dozens of her Facebook friends asking for doctor recommendations as a way of stealing their identity.
Krystall Nikkelson-Villiers, a Gold Coast mum-of-two, first realised something was wrong this month when she went to the doctor and he grilled her about how much endone, one of the strongest painkillers on the market, she'd been taking.
Except, Nikkelson-Villiers hadn't asked to be prescribed endone and quickly realised she'd fallen victim to a scam, allegedly orchestrated by an old friend, reports.
Krystall Nikkelson-Villiers, a Gold Coast mum-of-two, first realised something was wrong this month. Photo / Facebook
She headed home and posted a status on January 15, warning her fellow Facebook friends to be careful — and she was floored by the response.
In less than two days, Nikkelson-Villiers' status has received over 800 comments and hundreds of shares with dozens of women admitting the same thing had happened to them.
"So as some of you are aware I recently had someone impersonating me and getting prescriptions out in my name," Nikkelson-Villiers said.
The messages asked for recommendations for doctors in the area.
"I am messaging to make everyone aware of any random messages you may have received off literally anyone of a suspicious nature even if they are your friend or you talk to them on a regular basis.
"This girl came across as a nice individual but she then started asking me random questions out of nowhere one day, didn't think anything of it as she's always been friendly and she made it seem like general conversation."
Other women commented on the status, telling their own horror stories and posting screenshots.
"She asked me for my Medicare number back in September! I came so close to giving it to her as we grew up together!! Soooo sorry this has happened to you," one woman wrote.
"This crazy b***h," another woman added. "I am so angry! Stupidly gave her my doctor details grr."
Other victims claim the woman went as far as asking them for their Medicare card numbers under the guise of losing her own.
"I gave her mine. Which is so stupid because I'm so smart normally when it came to those things! What do I do now," one woman wrote.
"She got me so good. My doctors called last week informing me that someone has been impersonating me at the clinic for the past six months," another added.
"One of the nurses overheard her using my name and instantly called her out. So f***ing angry."
A spokeswoman for Queensland Police confirmed officers were investigating the woman and the alleged scam.
In an email to Nikkelson-Villiers, a constable from Coomera Police Station said they already had a suspect in relation to the matter. attempted to contact the woman for comment.