Alyssa Higgins and her husband received some shocking yet amazing news! Photo / Instagram
Alyssa Higgins and her husband received some shocking yet amazing news! Photo / Instagram
A woman who suffered a spinal cord injury at birth that resulted in her permanently using a wheelchair is documenting her journey to becoming a mother after unexpectedly falling pregnant.
Alyssa Higgins, a 30-year-old disability advocate from New York, was unsure if she could ever have a child due to her injury and her only having one ovary.
So when Higgins and her husband Jimmy recently found out they were going to be parents it came as a big surprise.
Alyssa Higgins shared the good news with her Instagram followers a few months ago. Photo / Instagram
Higgins, who is now four months pregnant, surprised her husband by holding up a sign revealing the news while the couple were taking a picture together.
As a result of the injury, Higgins was born not being able to move her body or breathe on her own. She was 18 months old before she started to gain movement in her fingertips.
The 30-year-old said her friends and family have always treated her the same as everyone else and encouraged her to live her best life.
She met her husband on a dating site in 2013 and when they first met up he wasn't aware of her disability.
Higgins said not being transparent from the beginning was the "biggest mistake I made" but the pair still immediately hit it off on their first date.
"Once he realised I was disabled he really didn't ask many questions regarding my disability, just wanted to get to know me which was the first thing I liked about him," Higgins wrote in an Instagram post.
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