Harding shared pictures from inside the Uber her date ordered for her when he didn't like her outfit. Photo / Tik Tok
Harding shared pictures from inside the Uber her date ordered for her when he didn't like her outfit. Photo / Tik Tok
A TikToker has taken to the social media platform to share one of her most shocking dating experiences and it's jaw-dropping.
Accountant Nikki Harding has gone viral after a recent video of her telling viewers she was once sent home by her date because he didn't like her outfit.
That's right, her date invited her to his work function with him and his colleagues but before they could get there he sent her home – he even went as far as ordering an Uber for her.
"I spent 40 minutes on my makeup to meet his friends and co-workers at a grand opening for the retail company he works for."
"He sent me home with a stranger on a Friday night."
Harding showed off her outfit in a Tik Tok that has since gone viral. Photo / Tik Tok
Harding told viewers her date wasn't comfortable with her being around his co-workers, "But [he] was comfortable sending me home with a stranger in an Uber."
She shared how the shocking situation played out: "I kept asking 'why do you keep staring at me?' and he kept saying 'oh nothing, oh nothing' and finally he was like 'you just look so pretty and I was like 'is this your way of telling me I'm overdressed?'.
"He said 'well maybe not for dinner and I said 'are you going to be embarrassed if I show up to your work function like this?' and he didn't say anything.
"I said 'do you want me to go home and change?' and he said 'I just feel so bad now'.
"So we went to the restaurant, I was not happy because this has been going on for weeks now and I said 'I'm either going like this or I'm not going at all' and he said 'Well then can I call you an Uber?'
Harding shared pictures from inside the Uber her date ordered for her when he didn't like her outfit. Photo / Tik Tok
"So I Ubered back to his place where I've been living for the past three weeks and I packed up all of my stuff and now I'm back in my van.
"It's not the first time he's pushed my boundaries.
"I'm glad I got out after only three weeks and not three years."
However, that wasn't the first time Harding had been criticised by said date, "It all started with little comments here and there over the past couple of weeks like "Why are you wearing heels? I like it when you wear tennis shoes. Why are you wearing so much makeup? I really like it when you're natural."
Viewers flocked to her defence commenting supportive messages and telling Harding she looked great.
One person said "Don't let him talk his way back into your life, this is just the first of many red flags if you decide to give him the time of day. Stay safe x"
Another commented, "You look great his loss, look for someone to want to be there with you."