Getting over a break-up is a messy business. There are many stages to grief but generally, once the puddles of tears have dried up there is a very normal phase where your social media becomes a testament to how amazing you are without them and how they should really want you back.
One woman took things even further, however, when she used social media to stage a fake wedding, in an effort to get her exes attention.
Earlier this month, TikTok user @dieschakin shared the bizarre story of how she thought staging her wedding would get her ex to text her, but things didn't quite go according to plan.
"Remembering the time I faked my own wedding and had a professional photo shoot so he would reach out," she wrote on TikTok. The woman then shared photos from the shoot, which showed her in a stunning white wedding gown, with her and make-up professionally done, holding a bouquet of white roses.