Today I'm crashing a party for a 12-year-old. It's an "Exotic Animal Party" and I've come along to ZooVentures in Whangaparāoa to check it out. Arriving mid-party, I'm expecting the usual ruckus. However, it's suspiciously quiet. I soon realise I'm in the right place as I see a group of children sitting cross-legged on cushions holding out worms for an enormous lizard, which trots along happily gobbling up these rather revolting snacks. The kids are riveted and admittedly it's hard not to be.

Tearing myself away from the worm vs. lizard spectacle, I go in search of more animals. Housed in a small commercial building, ZooVentures is like a cross between a pet store and a small zoo. A couple of large pens contain what looks like animated hairpieces. These are guinea pigs, according to the sign, though not like any I've seen before. Next door are some seriously cute dwarf rabbits; and then some very furry creatures that look like a cross between a squirrel and a mouse. These are chinchillas, South American rodents prized for their fur.

Hastily bypassing the rats, I find a row of aquariums containing sea stars, colourful fish, frogs, and dozens of fire-bellied newts. The newts resemble small water lizards, jet black above and fiery red below. I correctly identify the stick insects munching on rose leaves and give a parrot a little scratch before being mesmerised by tortoises working away steadily at a whole piece of corn, their earnest faces plastered with evidence of the feast. There are rows of glass-fronted cases containing an assortment of lizards, rejoicing in names such as Mr Schofield, Stefan and Bubblegum.