Nearly one-in-five parents wish they'd opted for a different name for their child, a new survey by Mumsnet has revealed.
An online poll by the parenting forum asked 1362 respondents if they ever regretted the first or middle names they'd chosen for any of their children.
It found that 18 per cent said yes - with a quarter of those saying that the name being "too commonly used" was the main reason for their regret.
The next most common reasons for regretting a child's name were "it just doesn't feel right" (21 per cent) and "I have never liked it - I was pressured into using it" (20 per cent.)
Other reasons given included: "It's not distinctive enough"; "It causes him/her problems with spelling/pronunciation"; "It doesn't suit him/her"; and "Everyone calls him/her by a shortened version of the name, which I don't like".