There are two things that will always plague us: death and taxes. And Kardashians. And whether the plastic wrap is still on the Chesdale slice or not. So okay, there are more than two things. Know your enemies!
Duvet covers
Somewhere in the 90s a paradigm shift occurred and we all got duvets. It's certainly preferable to the old Victorian Orphanage set-up of sheets and blankets. You remember: the sheet always came untucked and tangled your legs, leading to dreams where you couldn't run, which were surprisingly scary considering you never do run. So a soft, warm duvet was welcomed into your life, even if the Aztec print didn't really go with your sunflower curtains. All seemed well until washday, when you were left with a skinned, floppy mattress-looking thing and a brightly coloured bag. How do you get the cover back on the duvet? It's 2017 and there are still YouTube video tutorials on how to get the duvet cover on, yet no one has invented a duvet that opens on two sides, because your suffering pleases the duvet spirits.
Aircon in hotel rooms
Unless you're a jaded business traveller or international pop star (in which case, well done), a hotel room is something of a luxury. The decor is fancy, you can stroll nude from bed to loo, and someone else has to clean up when you leave, which is lucky because bed and the loo weren't the only places you were nude. What you can't do is open a window, because if you can't be trusted to put pants on, you can't be trusted to shut the window when the aircon is on. So your room has a glass wall instead of a window, and the aircon is always on. Always. And the remote control, like all unfamiliar remotes, is suddenly a stick in the hands of you, a chimpanzee. You spend the night being freeze-dried like a gourmet raspberry, if gourmet raspberries gasped for real air that would never come. This is how they get you to pay those mini-bar prices, because after a night like that you deserve $7 Pringles.