In a video clip, Amber reveals she has "found the one" - herself. Photo / Facebook/Amber Renae
In a video clip, Amber reveals she has "found the one" - herself. Photo / Facebook/Amber Renae
Well, this checks out as one of the weirdest rants we've come across in a while.
Former Project Runway reality contestant, stylist and designer Amber Renae has just announced her exciting engagement through a video, complete with diamond ring and that 'I-just-got-proposed-to' glow.
But the only difference with this proposal is that it's to herself.
Yes, Amber got down on one knee, bought a ring and proposed to herself.
This is the scariest post I’ve ever written, and not something I would normally share, but here goes….
I assume most people would look at me and what I do in this world and think, ‘She must have great self-love and self-confidence!”
And you’d be partly right!
Self-confidence I have in spades. Courage, I have buckets of. But self-love and self-worth have eluded me for as long as I can remember.
So whilst I have the courage to stand on a stage and speak to a crowded audience, the voice inside my head is telling me that no one wants to hear what I have to say and that I should hurry and stop talking (that was on a nice day).
Once, that voice even said that I should never open my mouth to speak in public again. Ever.
And it wasn’t that long ago that I had a very frank and somber discussion with myself about whether that particular day, should indeed be the last day that I spend on this Earth.
The journey back to happiness since that night, has been hellish at best. In fact, I was asked recently to name the most difficult moment in my life, and I answered: 2015.
For me, self-love and self-worth got lost somewhere along the journey that is life, through all the perceived failures and the seemingly unsuccessful relationships.
I had to re-teach myself how to love myself again. By making small daily changes, by creating games and “happiness hacks’; and by being diligently conscious of, and responsible for, the way I think, the way I feel and the way I act.
So earlier this year, when I looked in the mirror and every cell in my body cheered ‘OMG I love you!!!”, I thought I would celebrate how far I’d come, with my own private ceremony…which I’ve now decided to share with you, in the hope that this helps someone else on their journey.
I’ve been holding onto this video for a while now, and I’m still unsure how comfortable I feel about sharing it. Please take a moment to really hear this message for yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, the message is still for you.
In a three minute Facebook video, which she confessed was the "scariest post" she'd ever shared, Ms Renae starts by announcing to her 5500 followers that she has "found the one" and points to a sparkling piece of bling on her ring finger.
"I'm engaged, I've finally found the one," she says, as she paces around in a park, with midafternoon sun beaming on her back and hazing the camera lens.
"The one, my one, the one who truly completes me and the one who I am going to spend the rest of my life with."
It's about 20 seconds into the clip when Ms Renae reveals "the one" is actually herself, and that she "totally proposed" to herself.
"I got this beautiful ring, and got down on one knee and made a commitment to myself," she says to the camera, still pacing around in a park.
"To love, honour and respect myself more fully and completely than I will ever ask of another human."
The 'proposal' came complete with an impressive diamond sparkler. Facebook / Amber Renae
The clip, which is complete with fun fonts and "sparkle-sparkle" scene transitions, has been viewed almost 4000 times and met with praise from her fans.
"It's so important in one's life to find that within themselves instead of looking for it from someone else," one commenter posted.
"You are so #right. Greatest LOVE in the world is LOVING yourself, how could you LOVE others if you can't LOVE yourself #icompleteme," another said.
Ms Renae admits some other commenters have completely dismissed the idea, but saying the engagement doesn't count or "what are you going to do when a real relationship comes along?"
In the video, Amber paces around a park and speaks to the camera about her views on love. Photo / Facebook/Amber Renae
Her response to critics is that proposing to yourself, and committing to yourself is "the real relationship that we all need to get right before we can think about doing it with anyone else".
In an accompanying post, Ms Renae revealed that 2015 was one of the most difficult times in her life, and was "hellish at best".
"For me, self-love and self-worth got lost somewhere along the journey that is life, through all the perceived failures and the seemingly unsuccessful relationships," she wrote.
"I had to reteach myself how to love myself again. By making small daily changes, by creating games and "happiness hacks'; and by being diligently conscious of, and responsible for, the way I think, the way I feel and the way I act."