One of the tips given to the overweight subjects was to focus on eating more fresh foods. Photo / Getty
One of the tips given to the overweight subjects was to focus on eating more fresh foods. Photo / Getty
When it comes to weight loss and lifestyle change we are generally told what we should not be doing and what we need to stop, cut back or reduce to achieve success.
Far less frequently do we focus on the positive - strategies and techniques that will still yield positive health outcomes minus the feelings of guilt, deprivation and restriction.
According to, there is growing research interest in exploring the benefits of approaching weight loss from a different perspective - with a focus on building positive health habits as opposed to breaking bad ones.
A significant shift in thinking has the potential to completely change the way we approach dieting forever, especially when early research suggests such an approach is linked to long term weight loss.
Habits are formed when we repeat a behaviour over time until it becomes automatic. In the case of eating behaviour, a classic habitual behaviour is buying a coffee on the way to work.
Each day, at 8am, we stop at the coffee shop and order a coffee, and often a slice of banana bread to go with it.
At times we may have the intention of not buying the banana bread, but if the habit we have formed is strong, has been present for a long period of time and there is pleasure associated with it, automatic, habitual eating behaviour is likely to return, especially when we are stressed and overwhelmed and as such do not have the cognitive capacity to completely focus on our weight loss goal.
This is thought to somewhat explain why we return to poor eating habits so readily in everyday life and while focusing on building strong dietary habits may prove a successful weight loss intervention long term.
One such piece of work comes from University College in London in which researchers undertook a study in which 100 overweight and obese men and women were randomised in a study in which one of the groups were given simple advice on building healthy habits, known as Ten Top Tips for Weight Loss.
A focus on building positive health habits as opposed to breaking bad ones may be key. Photo / Getty
These tips included general lifestyle suggestions to support weight control such as "keep to a meal routine", "pack a healthy snack", and "focus on your food" to support dietary planning, mindful eating and eat more fresh foods. Study participants were then weighed weekly or monthly for eight months.
The results published in the International Journal of Obesity found that compared to the control group of the study, the study group focused only on building healthy habits lost more weight, with an average weight loss of 2kg, which increased to almost 4kg by 8 months. There was no difference in weight loss for those weighed weekly compared to monthly.
While the weight loss is not huge for an eight-month period, what this study does show is that simple positive lifestyle changes can support weight control long term.
With many of us all too happy to drop 2-4kg with minimal effort, there is much potential in focusing on things you can add into your daily life such as moving more each day and watching portion sizes without the need to go on strict diet and exercise programs that are rarely sustainable long term.
So if you wouldn't mind to drop a couple of kilos, even if it takes a few months, and are happy to check your weight regularly to support your efforts, here are some other positive lifestyle habits that will support weight control minus any diets, programs and feelings of restriction.
1. Eat more fruit and vegetables - aim for 7-10 serves every single day. 2. Walk more - keep an eye on your steps each day and aim for 10,000 as a minimum most days. 3. Plan your food - get into the habit of carrying a healthy snack with you. 4. Eat mindfully - at meal times take a break from the screen to focus on eating. 5. Eat regular meals - avoid grazing and stick to regular meals and snacks each day.