Donald Trump's letter show pointed letters, narrow spacing and heavy pressure - all indicators of different facets of his personality. Photo / Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Donald Trump's letter show pointed letters, narrow spacing and heavy pressure - all indicators of different facets of his personality. Photo / Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
He's known for being a keyboard warrior with his opinionated tweets.
But it's not too often we get to see a handwritten note by President Donald Trump.
A new infographic, put out by the National Pen Company, has broken down how different characteristics in handwriting indicate different personality traits - and even underlying health issues.
In fact, handwriting analysis - known as graphology - can detect more than 5,000 personality traits from the sizes and shapes of your letters, as well as the spacing between words.
Here we've taken two handwritten notes by Trump, written in 2011 and 2016, and break down what his script reveals about the commander-in-chief.
Handwriting that slants to the left generally shows people that keep to themselves and like to work behind the scenes.
President Trump's letters are not written up and down but at a diagonal, starting from the upper left corner and working their way down to the bottom right corner.
The size of letters indicate the size of the writer's personality. Large letters suggest you are very outgoing and love a lot of attention. But it can also mean that you are pretending to have a lot of confidence.
Looking at Trump's notes, most of the letters are written in uppercase - overtaking most of the page.
Narrow spacing indicates people who can't stand to be alone. They tend to crowd and be intrusive.
The words of the president don't have a great deal of space between them and are often on the crowded side.
Writing with pointed letters, not rounded, indicates a writer who is aggressive, intense, intelligent and curious.
The commander-in-chief's letters are not round and have very austere lines.
Trump's narrow spacing indicates someone who doesn't like to be alone, his heavy pressure shows high levels of energy, and the pointed lines reveal an aggressive person. Photo / Supplied
E's and L's that are wide-looped indicate someone who is relaxed and spontaneous. Self-expression comes easily to those writers.
They also are believed to be more open-minded and like to try new experiences.
Although Trump's L's are always uppercase, his e's are always lower case and usually have a wide loop.
Those who dot their i's high above the letter have a great imagination.
While Trump capitalizes most of his letters, the i's are always lowercase. In the notes, Trump's dots appear high above the actual letter.
Handwriting with a heavy pressure, where the words appears dark, is an indicator of high levels of energy.
It is also a mark of someone who is good with commitment and taking things seriously. But excessive pressure can mean a writer who is uptight and reacts quickly to criticism.
Looking at Trump's notes, the president has very dark lettering indicating high amounts of pressure pressed against the paper.
Someone who has long crosses over their t's is very determined and enthusiastic, although they are stubborn and tend to have a hard time letting things go.
Additionally, someone who crosses their t's at the very top is very ambitious, optimistic and has good self-esteem.
Trump's t's are all uppercase and has seen, there is a long cross at the very top of the letter.
President Trump's signature, seen here as he signs an executive order in Virginia, is rather illegible and generally an indicator a person who is private, hard to read or understand
Trump signs executive order on refugee travel ban. Photo / AP
Signatures that are hard to read indicate a person who is very private, hard to read and understand.
Trump's signature, as seen by most upon the signing of his first executive order, show a very indiscernible signature where the individual letters are very difficult to make out.
People who write their capital 'I' (when referring to themselves) larger than other capital letters tend to be more arrogant.
As explained above, Trump only capitalizes 'I' when referring to himself but not if the letter falls in the middle of a word.
In both of the notes showcased here, the 'I' is much larger than all other capital letters.