A quick lunch or snack at work or school is sometimes a necessity. As much as we'd like to have time to make a healthy sandwich in the morning, it sometimes just doesn't happen. So, grabbing one of these pots to put in the microwave seems like a great idea. One pot will give you 948kj so it's perfect for a light lunch or a big snack.
The problem with some pre-prepared foods is that there are too many additives to make it a healthy real food meal. Let's see how this one stacks up.
Deli-Menu Fish Pie with Tuna
200g for $3.79.
Ingredients: Tuna (25 per cent)
This product is made in Thailand from tuna which according to the label is "dolphin friendly". The logo is one used by New Zealand fishing company Sealord which uses the certification and monitoring of the Earth Island Institute, an American environmental group. Dolphins and tuna are often found in the same areas and dolphins can be caught in the nets used to catch tuna. To avoid this other fishing methods are used. But saving dolphins does not mean that there aren't other bycatch species such as albatross and sharks at risk. It is interesting to note that dolphins don't associate with skipjack tuna which is why this species is regarded as truly "dolphin safe".