Finding the right balance in our lives is an age-old question with no right or single answer. Life has taught me that we try our best to achieve balance but ultimately we do the best we can with the time that we have available, outside family and work.
It's never been all work and no play for me, instead it's about creating moments with friends and deciding what is negotiable and what is not. Since joining the Whanau Living team finding those "moments" has become more difficult but not impossible. Working seven days a week sounds crazy, okay it is crazy but I've still managed to find time to fit everything in.
Mornings have become "my time" - my time to walk and have that quiet moment before the day starts, or a quick dip in the ocean and "my time" to get to the gym for a quick sweat-on - this is one of my non-negotiables. I know how important feeling and looking good affects my confidence and self esteem - hence I won't compromise this.
I get that it's not always easy to rise early and get to the gym and or go for a walk. Find a friend to do it with you, make it social so it becomes not only about the physical side of things but spending time with a friend or friends.