Justin Newcombe has the perfect vehicle for a Mother's Day treat.
There's been a lot of washing, cooking, cleaning, tearful sticking plaster application (and removal). A lot of butt-wiping and, when it is needed, a bit of butt-kicking. Yep mums do it all and in some cases have to be dads too. So for Dads out there, it is time to round up the troops and try to get them to give something back in a coherent, thoughtful kind of way rather than the two minute biro drawing she got last year (not naming names of course).
This is a really easy project anybody in the family can help with, so start this weekend to give the kids plenty of time for the decorating and artwork. The main part of the tray is the base. For this I've laminated fabric on to a piece of board, a technique known as decoupage. This is the part the kids can get stuck into and could be any sort of material or paper including photographs or other family memorabilia, pictures of mum's favourite things or some of the things you're most grateful for. Of course you can mix and match all of the above.
I used PVA glue which is water-based and less likely to stain or discolour the fabric. If you are using paper instead of fabric, do a small test before you start to make sure the glue won't damage the image. Be sure with paper to smooth out the air bubbles as this can affect the finish.
The sides of the tray are basically ply offcuts from the workshop but you could use something finer and varnish it. I've made basic handles out by cutting and filing slots into the ply but Bunnings have a huge range of handles that will add that little bit of extra finish.