Cate Foster enjoys the benefits to body, mind and energy levels of the ancient art of yoga.
A year or so ago I saw a picture of the multi-talented and beautiful Cindy Crawford doing something that made her look like an impossibly gorgeous pretzel and decided there and then that the time had come to take my ever-stiffening joints in hand. Literally in some instances, as it later turns out.
Investigating yoga was the first thing I had to do. Very quickly I found many versions of this ancient discipline are taught in Auckland, but as this story is only about what is perhaps one of the most famous practices of all, the sequence of ritual and exercise known as surya namaska or sun salutes, it is here I will concentrate.
I also discovered that there are a few basics to know before you even step into a single class. It is suggested you don't eat for two hours before the class, although a glass of water is fine. Eat and if you're like me you will soon discover why this is a recommendation you should pay attention to. (So will the people on the mats near to you.) You will need comfortable sports clothes, preferably in layers so you can strip off as you get warmer, and you must be able to have bare feet as you will need the grip of the soles of your feet on the mat. For hygiene purposes it's not a bad idea to have your own mat, although most studios provide them. If you are pregnant you should attend a pregnancy specific class after the first trimester.
For those who like me have very little background knowledge about yoga, the sun salutes are a pre-ordained set of exercises performed in a single graceful flow, with each movement co-ordinated with ujjayi breathing. Used correctly this special type of breathing creates an internal heat that allows the body to be more flexible, while the bandhas (locks) keep the muscular-skeletal body safe. All teachers are trained in anatomy and philosophy as applied to yoga and so can read each student's muscular-skeletal weaknesses and help them work in a physically safe way; and when you are doing it right the results are remarkable in all sorts of ways.