Loser, lazy and a basic b****!
Those were just a few of the things yelled at me within the first five minutes of entering Karen's Diner.
It's far from the service anyone would expect when dining out.
But believe it or not, this is the service I willingly paid for. Because this is no ordinary restaurant.
The famous Karen's Diner - which has gone viral on social media in recent months promises good food but terrible service.
It's on its way to New Zealand shores, opening a branch in Auckland next month so I checked out the interactive dining experience in Brisbane to get a glimpse of what Kiwis are in for.
Once seated, the menus were thrown my way, along with a flurry of napkins intended for the table next to me.
The food looked good - diner-styled burgers, fries, chicken wings and thick shakes.

Then I noticed one of the waitresses standing across the table, arms folded staring at me.
"Why are you here? What the hell?" She yelled. "You could've made your own lunch seriously. Look at that outfit, wow."
It caught me off guard at first but one thing you quickly realise at Karen's Diner is the best approach is to roll with it. Banter is essential.