Others were delighted that the slip up was aired, with some saying Prince William comes across a regular human.
"Nonono, it's good!!!! He's a real human after all," one stated.
Another added: "Summed up the mood of the nation!"
One person claimed he may well have been saying "for goodness sake".
The emotional Cambridges weren't shy to cheer on the British star. Photo / Getty Images
It's not the first time Prince William has let an expletive slip.
In 2016 while on a documentary called 'When Ant and Dec Met the Prince: 40 Years of the Prince's Trust', the Prince let an expletive slip while talking about his father.
Prince Harry told the hosts that, at school, the two brothers would "regularly [swap] letters and [say] 'I think I know what it says can you read it to me?'" To this, William added, "Just in case it was a bollocking we didn't know about."
The word 'bollocking' in the UK is considered vulgar slang for "a severe reprimand".
At the time viewers saw the funny side, with one saying "it makes me love [William] even more".