As told to Paul Little.
Two years ago, after 40 years of working as an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, treating animal behaviour problems, I was able to do something about the question that was always left after finishing a series such as Pound Pups to Dog Stars, or as far back as The Funny Farm in 2000. It's the question I'm asked by people whose dogs have problems and are likely to bite kids or other dogs: why is my dog like this? There was a huge demand for answers to this.
That set me off on an education initiative to teach people how to change their dogs and prevent problems.
I had been reflecting on how my methods work and how I achieve what I do and suddenly had a gestalt, which manifested itself as an education initiative to teach people what I do. It just flowed out as I wrote for two days.
I'm also a zen practitioner, so I'm always asking myself: why do I do what I do? Is it meaningful and constructive? Is it contributing to society and animals?