By Kelvin McDonald of Maori Television
Wāhine Māori with a connection to te ao Māori are more likely to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the recommended six months, new research by the University of Auckland says.
Researchers drew on information from more than 1000 Māori women participating in Aotearoa's largest study of child development, Growing Up in New Zealand.
They found that 12 per cent of wāhine Māori exclusively breastfeed for a baby's first six months.
"Nearly all wāhine Māori [96 per cent] start breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding to six months old is beneficial for both pēpi and wāhine Māori and 12 per cent of wāhine Māori in the study achieved this," co-author of the study Dr Catherine Gilchrist said in a statement Friday.