People who cannot muster the enthusiasm to use a washing machine can now buy an aerosol spray to freshen-up their clothes instead.
The Day 2 dry-wash spray, designed by Unilever, went on sale in the UK last week and claims to refresh, reshape and de-wrinkle clothes, rendering them as-good-as clean, the DailyMail reports.
The £7.50 ($14) canisters have been designed for young people who heap worn clothes over furniture in their room rather than folding them neatly away – a trend known as a "chairdrobe".
Unilever is selling versions for denim and delicates, in addition to the original, which works with a broad range of fabrics. Denim jeans are by far the most re-worn garment, according to Unilever.
"That's a high pride point for a lot of millennials, you know, ensuring that their denim is as pristine as possible," said Day 2's co-founder Nathan Olivieri.