I grew up in a rural community where giving and sharing came with the territory - so its just part of who I am. My mother always encouraged me to "put myself in others' shoes" and I've just always loved doing something to delight someone else. In my work I meet more and more people who want to give with some intimacy, to get to know the cause, the people involved directly - not just drop a few dollars anonymously in a bucket on a street corner.
I constantly meet people who are selfless and kind. Kindness is probably the virtue I hold above all others. You can't be kind without really thinking about someone's circumstances and needs and this is what allows us to connect, this is what creates a sense of community. A few years ago I met an amazing young mum with a wonderful child who has a life-threatening illness. It's an understatement to say that this mum's journey isn't easy - but she always finds the energy for helping other parents like her. She inspires me constantly.
Givers receive what's known as the "helper's high". Not only does it feel good, there are studies done on the increase in serotonin levels and positive impacts on the immune system that go along with giving. Donors often guiltily confess about how good it makes them feel, what fun it is.
We're living in an era of unprecedented wealth. While this is not uniformly shared by all, many of us have much more than we need or probably ever dreamt of. But having "things" doesn't necessarily make us happy. From where I sit, I see an increasing number of people searching for ways to become more than consumers - they want to be citizens, to be connected to something bigger than themselves. I'm lucky to be able to help them to find ways to connect with and support people in their own community who would benefit from their help.