"To the naked eye, this looks like your standard cute photo of Bobby and I," she wrote.
"This photo was in fact captured whilst I was taking a poo.
"Just thought I'd let you all know. Especially for all those planning on having children soon.
"This. Is. Your. Life. Goodnight."
The hilarious post attracted more than 6,770 likes and 330 comments in less than a day.
And while other mothers laughed knowingly, some mums to be questioned just what they had got themselves into.
"I'm going to remind you of this next time you think i should start a family," one woman wrote, tagging her friend in the image.
Other mothers said cuddles were cuddles, no matter where they happened.
"To them you're their mumma and they don't care where the cuddles happen," one woman wrote.
"It's all lovely really even on the loo."
Some women said they hadn't had privacy on the toilet for the past 17 years.
"Too funny. I'm taking a poo whilst reading this," one woman wrote.
"My kids often come in to ask me stuff and the oldest is 17.
"'Lock the door' I hear you say. I do and they take the door knob off to come in."
Other women said they were happy they weren't alone.
"Story of my life! Glad I'm not the only one," another wrote.