Some things we have learned in the last few days about the Duchess of Sussex: that she is having a baby. That she bought a Cartier Tank watch to one day pass on to her daughter (yet had it engraved with 'MM to MM'… curious); that her mother is taking baby care lessons because Meghan doesn't fancy employing a nanny (poor Doria).
And then, there's the real jaw dropper: Meghan's best friend, Jessica Mulroney is accompanying her and Prince Harry on the Sussexes' first official tour of Australia. Raised eyebrows all round or what? It's not like we're talking about a holiday that might, on reflection, be more of a laugh if you took a couple of mates along. Whatever next?
Then again, it makes perfect sense. It is a bit weird that Mr Mulroney is going too, but what are ladies in waiting, if not connected friends who tag along to provide support, and a hair grip or a Kleenex in a crisis? Mulroney was the Duchess's unofficial maid of honour, and has been her occasional stylist right from the get go (the white engagement trench coat was one of hers).
What she is, on closer examination, is a Fixer: one of the six friends every woman needs to keep her head above water. Meghan's Fixer is naturally more fixtastic than the average: she'll have everything from brow groomers to baby shower caterers on speed dial. When Meghan has to decide between the peach sleeveless dress and the blue with the pelmet, the Malibu beach property or the Cotswolds barn conversion, Mulroney is there to take the strain.