Red and brown walls inside your home are likely to provoke a strong opinion. Photo / Getty Images
Red and brown walls inside your home are likely to provoke a strong opinion. Photo / Getty Images
There's few things that strike dread into the heart of any houseproud type more than an uninvited guest.
But while you start fretting about the pile of dirty washing by the machine or the peeling paint in the hall when someone drops by unannounced, what are they really looking at?
Interiors website MyDomaine has carried out a survey of its users to find out the most common things people notice when they visit someone else's house, reports the Daily Mail.
And unfortunately it's bad news for anyone who hopes that guests don't really pay attention to mess, because it's definitely on the list.
People admitted that they do take note of how clean, organised and tidy a home is when visiting other people.
Some revealed that they feel stressed out by a dirty house because it offends their inner neat freak.
The good news is that while everyone will definitely notice mess, some people see it in a more positive light and it makes them feel better about their own less-than-perfect homes.
Some people admit they would mentally rearrange the furniture in someone's house. Photo / Getty Images
People admit that they often mentally rearrange the furniture in someone else's house if they're not happy with the layout.
They also feel jarred by things like pictures being hung too high or if the layout doesn't match from room to room.
Natural light is guaranteed to make an impression. Photo / Getty Images
Some people admit that they pay little attention to fixtures and furniture, but the lighting is the first thing they will notice.
Natural light flooding a room is guaranteed to create a good impression, but if you need to fake it then the flicker of candles or soft spotlights will also look good.
However, lots of people aren't keen on harsh sources of artificial light such as glaring TV screens.
Guests react positively to nice scents, such as a luxury candle or diffusers. Photo / Getty Images
It seems there's something in the age-old advice to have something delicious baking in the oven when you're trying to sell your home.
Guests reported reacting positively to nice scents, such as a luxury candle or diffuser.